Our Kids BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) Classes

Equip your children with confidence & resilience. The best gift you can give them is the ability to protect themselves. 

Our children’s classes are second to none.

Primarily focused on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we combine multiple aspects of self defence, grappling & wrestling to deliver the best curriculum for your child. We follow the IBJJF belt grading system (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation.) 

Today’s children are faced with many challenges in life from bullying to an unhealthy lifestyle. Jiu Jitsu classes can be a way for parents to expose their children to an invaluable education (both physical and mental) that sets the basis for their personal growth.

Learn from passionate instructors with real credentials who have a passion for sharing their knowledge with upcoming generations. Kids  from ages 4+ are welcome to come and try a free class!

In a playful environment, our children’s classes are a fun yet effective way for your child learn the fundamentals of BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu). 

Classes are engaging and interactive to maintain the attention of the children to ensure they are constantly learning and developing as Martial Artists. 

Our Kids BJJ program, has been proven to be simple, yet effective when it comes to application and keeping our kids engaged and always wanting to come back for more. They will walk away fitter, confident, and able to defend themselves.

Children are taught how to avoid bullying, while quickly becoming equipped to defend themselves if physically attacked.

Benefits of Jiu-Jitsu

Kids Learn Lifelong & Real World Skills here @ The Jiu-Jitsu Hub!

We reinforce values that you will be teaching your children at home, such as self respect, how to avoid and deal with bullying, and most importantly when to use their martial arts training. The results from our Kids Programs are amazing, with benefits available to all children regardless of age, coordination or fitness.

Empower your children with strong principles and lessons that will help them now & later on in life. 

Our Kids BJJ Curriculum is Second to None

Our BJJ Kids Curriculum classes work on a school term basis and do not run during the school holidays. Our kids BJJ classes are currently run on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons. We offer additional competition prep classes for those who have the desire to compete in outside competitions. We also offer MMA classes in additional to your BJJ Curriculum membership.


Our membership options are extremely affordable. 

NO sign up fee’s. NO sneaky lock in contracts. 

We offer generous sibling and family discounts. 

You can pay upfront for the term OR weekly on direct debit. 

We don’t charge or run through the school holidays, we believe kids (and parents) need a break and quality family time to recharge their batteries. We are a family run club who aim to deliver QUALITY training at an affordable price. This makes martial arts an option for everyone. 


We grade the kids at the end of each term. We DON’T charge you any extra for this, or for belt progressions. It’s never felt right for us that some clubs charge you for your child’s hard work and progression. It’s our honour to recognise their dedication and persistence. 

Why Should KidsTrain


It will help them…

✅ Build Confidence

✅ Have Fun & Make Friends

✅ Learn Self-Defence

✅ Improve Mental Health

✅ Learn Discipline & Respect 

✅ Decreases Social Anxiety

✅ Reduces Stress

✅ Improve Physical Fitness

✅ Teaches Goal Setting 

✅ Improve Co-ordination & Mobility 

✅ Improves Body Awareness